Tag Archives: afghan

LOTR CAL – Saruman square

Happy Monday! 

I’ve made some more progress on my lord of the rings afghan, and today I’ve finished Saruman the white, with his staff and palantir. 

I only just registered that I’m more than half way through with this, so hopefully I can still stick with my personal deadline of finishing the whole blanket by May. Next will be Gandalf the grey 🙂

Have a great week!


Filed under CAL, Crochet, WIP, Work in progress

Stitch stop & roll afghan – part 3

It is growing!

I’ve gone through one whole set of colours already only that much more to go! 🙂



Filed under CAL, Crochet, WIP, Work in progress

Stitch stop and roll afghan – part 2

I love how fast this blanket is working up 🙂 I am now making the three half hexagons at the same time as the other hexagons just to keep it simple for me with the colour changes. 

I am now up to row 7 out of 19. My mum arrives on the 27th of December and leaves on the 2nd of January, so I have until then to finish this, so that she can bring it back home. 

How are your presents coming along?



Filed under CAL, Crochet, WIP, Work in progress

Stitch, stop and roll afghan – part 1

Happy Friday!

My mum is visiting for Christmas and I asked her and dad what they would like for Christmas (as she will be able to bring something decently big back to France). They settled on a blanket to cuddle under to watch TV during winter. 

I’ve got this kit forever (actually I got it for Christmas last year) so it was time to make good use of it. So far I’ve done the 9 full motives until row 4. 

The colours are so gorgeous and the yarn is such a pleasure to work with 🙂 I can’t wait to get more done 🙂 


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Filed under CAL, Crochet, WIP, Work in progress

Snowflake Afghan – finished

It is finally done!

After a few years of putting it off, I have finally finished the snowflake afghan! I’ve named it like that because of its colours, it reminds me of cold and snow (not that we have much of that here in Brisbane). 

I love the straight edges, so thanks so much for everyone who suggested it 🙂 



Filed under Crochet

WIP Wednesday – snowflake blanket 

I know, I know, I should really finish this but I just wanted to show you the edging I was thinking of doing for this blanket. 

First off, I have finished all the hexagons and half hexagons I need. I really love the straight side edges and I’m so glad I went with it. 

Still in serious need of blocking but I’m getting there 🙂 

So I looked into my knitting and crochet bible (this book is just so great!) and I found an edging that I think will go great with the general feel of the blanket. 

What do you guys think? If you have other suggestions I’d be glad to hear them as well 🙂

In the mean time, happy crocheting everyone!



Filed under Crochet, WIP, Work in progress

Snowflake blanket WIP

Hello lovely readers!

I have made some progress on my snowflake blanket, but I need your advice now. I am not sure what to do for the sides of it. My two options are to do half hexagons to have straight edges or to leave it as is.

I’m leaning towards making half circles at the moment but any opinion would be welcome 🙂

I currently have 6 rows and I am planning to add just another one, so hopefully it should be finished soon (by the end of the month?). The finished blanket will be perfect size for a baby or as a lapghan.

That’s it for me today! Until next time 🙂




Filed under Crochet, WIP, Work in progress

LOTR CAL week 13

Screen Shot 2016-06-26 at 5.01.26 PM

Happy Sunday!

Today is our final week in the LOTR crochet along! I kept the best for last (in my opinion): Legolas! I bet it’s most people favourite elf 🙂 He is pretty kickass in both the LOTR trilogy and in the Hobbit trilogy.

Without further ado, here is the graph for Legolas.

PDF available hereLOTR_CAL_week13

You can find week 1, week 2, week 3, week 4, week 5, week 6, week 7, week 8, week 9, week 10, week 11 and week 12 by clicking on the links!

Have a lovely week!


Screen Shot 2016-04-01 at 2.31.28 PM

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Filed under CAL, Crochet, Uncategorized

LOTR CAL week 12


Second last week of our LOTR crochet along! whoop-whoop!

This is the last corner square and you have the choice between Arwen’s pendant and the tree of Gondor!

LOTR_CAL_week12PDF available here – week 12LOTR_CAL_week12_altPDF available here – week 12 alt

As always, you can find the links for week 1, week 2, week 3, week 4, week 5, week 6, week 7, week 8, week 9, week 10 and week 11 by clicking on them.

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Filed under CAL, Crochet

LOTR CAL week 11


Happy Sunday!

This week on the LOTR Crochet along, we have Aragorn joining us! I don’t know about you, but Aragorn has always been one of my favourite characters. That is, just after a well-known elf who will soon be joining us 😉

LOTR_CAL_week11.pngPDF available here

The beard was pretty hard to get right on this one, but I’m happy with how it turned out 🙂

You can find the other graphs for week 1, week 2, week 3, week 4, week 5, week 6, week 7, week 8, week 9 and week 10 by clicking on the links.


Lots of love,

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Filed under CAL, Crochet, Uncategorized