Tag Archives: avatar afghan

Avatar afghan – free graph!


Hi guys,

I just realised today that I forgot to give you the graph I used for my avatar afghan! I designed this pattern so if you use it, I would be grateful if you link back to my blog (and also I would LOVE you to share a pic and to see what you made of it ^^)

I used a 5.5mm crochet hook with 2 strands of acrylic yarn (I used Marvel 8ply from 4 Seasons).

The colours I used were:

Black for the background (approx 8 skeins)

White for Air (approx 1 skein)

Aqua for Water (approx 1 skein)

Claret for Fire (approx 1 skein)

Green for Earth (approx 1 skein)

But of course, you can always use yarn from your stash!

So here it is, the graph I used!


You can also use the graph for cross stitch and hama beads 🙂




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Filed under Crochet

February goals review

Hello readers! 

It is the end of the month, and I can’t believe how fast it went.

I’m pleased to say that I have finished most of my goals for the month!   

I haven’t quite finished to read the fellowship of the ring but I’ll get that done tonight! My only non done goal is for work, I’ve had some delays so hopefully I can get that done in March. 

Now, onto the avatar afghan! I’ve decided not to do a border for now cause I haven’t quite made up my mind on what kind of border I want. But other than that it is finished! 

And these are my steps for the February SAL from Helene  

 Also I’ve decided to go with Sadie for my little doll, she is still missing a leg but I hope to get that done this week   

And that’s it for my February! Bring it on March!




Filed under Bullet journal, Crochet, Embroidery, SAL, soft toys, WIP, Work in progress

Last WIP Wednesday of the month

Hello lovely people!

There must be a nasty bug going around, or I’m just really tired, but I got a bad cold. I normally never get sick, I think this is the first time I’m properly sick in at least 3 years. Still needed to get to work today so boohoo 😦 maybe tomorrow I can stay home and rest. 

I’ve finished earth on my avatar afghan! Still planning on finishing it by the end of the month so I really need to get going!  

Still not sure what I’ll do for the border. Any suggestion? 

I’ve done more squares as well for my #CraftyCAL, this time I’ve played with a lacy style which gave me bigger squares. I really like them!  

I don’t really know where I’m going with this but I enjoy making all different squares in different colours 🙂 

Hope you guys are having a great week, free from coughing and sneezing! 




Filed under CAL, Crochet, WIP, Work in progress

I need your help!

Hi guys!

The beginning of the week was pretty exciting! I talked to my dearest childhood friend and she has accepted to be one of my bridesmaid along with my best friend and future sister in law 🙂 

She also happens to be the mother of my goddaughter, so of course I’m so excited of seeing my little princess for the wedding! I’m planning on bringing her a lot of souvenirs from Australia but I would also like to crochet her a gift to make it extra special 🙂 she really likes dogs so I was thinking an amigurumi, and that’s why I need your help!

Does anyone know of/ sell a good pattern for an amigurumi doggy? I found some patterns I like on Etsy but if I can buy a pattern from one of you amazing readers it would be even better! 

On another note, I’ve finished air on my avatar afghan!  

And I’ve done more grannies for the #craftycal on CraftyAmino 🙂

I’ve decided to block along.   
Any pattern link would be amazing for the dog amigurumi 😉 




Filed under CAL, Crochet, WIP, Work in progress

Bullet journal and project update

Hi guys! 

I’m pretty excited, I’ve finally reached the half way point for my avatar afghan!   

My goal is to finish it by the end of the month. Talking about goals, I just realise that I didn’t post a goal update for February and I didn’t show you my bullet journal and how it has grown!

I’ve resumed my online coding course and made a handy  guide to coding in processing J.   
I doodled a mandala that still needs colouring. 

I have a new goals list for February, including to list more cross stitch patterns in my new etsy shop! (It’s pretty bare at the moment but you can still check it out here – opening discount will be on soon ^^)

And I’ve ticked off movies on my “to watch” list 🙂   
Have you guys updated your goals list for this month? 




Filed under Bullet journal, CAL, Crochet, WIP, Work in progress