Tag Archives: craftycal

Granny squares blanket update

Happy Monday lovely people!

I have been really slack lately on my granny blanket but I’m trying to get it finished by the end of the month so I started joining the squares. 

Because of all the different sizes, I’ve had to shuffle the squares around to find the best position.     

This is what I’ve got so far 🙂 and those are the other squares I have finished. 

Hope you all had a good weekend 🙂




Filed under Crochet, WIP, Work in progress

“The werewolf only responds to the call of its own kind”

Hey peeps!

I’ve been working on a new cross stitch project, a werewolf howling to the moon. This is it so far, I’m still debating of whether or not adding the quote from the title to it.  
For the finish I think I’ll just put it in a smaller hook and hang it on the wall 🙂

I added to my painting with a shiny umbreon but, even though he is cute, I think the painting looks empty, so the rest of the eevylutions will probably be joining him!

I’ve been extra lazy with my granny squares so I’ll have to catch up if I want to finish my blanket before the end of the month. 

This is my latest square   

P.S. If you’re interested, my Pinterest board for the granny squares I will make is here


Filed under CAL, Crochet, drawing, Embroidery, miscellaneous, WIP, Work in progress

Last WIP Wednesday of the month

Hello lovely people!

There must be a nasty bug going around, or I’m just really tired, but I got a bad cold. I normally never get sick, I think this is the first time I’m properly sick in at least 3 years. Still needed to get to work today so boohoo 😦 maybe tomorrow I can stay home and rest. 

I’ve finished earth on my avatar afghan! Still planning on finishing it by the end of the month so I really need to get going!  

Still not sure what I’ll do for the border. Any suggestion? 

I’ve done more squares as well for my #CraftyCAL, this time I’ve played with a lacy style which gave me bigger squares. I really like them!  

I don’t really know where I’m going with this but I enjoy making all different squares in different colours 🙂 

Hope you guys are having a great week, free from coughing and sneezing! 




Filed under CAL, Crochet, WIP, Work in progress

I need your help!

Hi guys!

The beginning of the week was pretty exciting! I talked to my dearest childhood friend and she has accepted to be one of my bridesmaid along with my best friend and future sister in law 🙂 

She also happens to be the mother of my goddaughter, so of course I’m so excited of seeing my little princess for the wedding! I’m planning on bringing her a lot of souvenirs from Australia but I would also like to crochet her a gift to make it extra special 🙂 she really likes dogs so I was thinking an amigurumi, and that’s why I need your help!

Does anyone know of/ sell a good pattern for an amigurumi doggy? I found some patterns I like on Etsy but if I can buy a pattern from one of you amazing readers it would be even better! 

On another note, I’ve finished air on my avatar afghan!  

And I’ve done more grannies for the #craftycal on CraftyAmino 🙂

I’ve decided to block along.   
Any pattern link would be amazing for the dog amigurumi 😉 




Filed under CAL, Crochet, WIP, Work in progress

I’ve been bad…

I promised myself that I wouldn’t start a new project until finished some of my WIP but today I gave in! 

I’ve joined a CAL group on CraftyAmino. The goal is to post on Wednesday granny squares to ultimately make an afghan 🙂 

This is what I’ve got so far   

I’ve decided that all my squares will be different and I will adjust sizes at the end when I sew everything together 🙂 if you want to join, we are aiming to finish by the end of March and the hashtag is #craftycal

We are going to the Gold Coast this weekend for Valentine’s Day so I also hooked a few hearts to spread the love, love bomb style! 

Do you guys have some fun crafts planned for V-day?




Filed under CAL, Crochet, WIP, Work in progress