200 followers giveaway


Hello readers!

I am very excited to announce that over the weekend I’ve reached 200 followers! This is truly great, I can’t believe how amazing and supporting you guys are and I am so thankful to all of you for following my crafty adventures, liking my posts and commenting. I’ve got to ‘know’ a lot of you from blogging and I’m happy that you’re part of my crafty world 🙂

What will you receive? For this giveaway, I’ll be sending one of my Millie the Manta Ray plush toy – you can let me know which colour you’d prefer and I’ll make it for you (also if you have small children I can embroider the eyes rather than use safety eyes). I’ve also got some gorgeous yarn bought from mini haul at Yarn Glorious YarnAnd finally you will get a cross stitched bookmark made with my latest design (soon available on my Etsy).

How to enter? It’s super simple! First, make sure you follow me, either by email or with WordPress. Second, leave a comment on this post telling me about your favourite crafty experience (it could be something you made, going to a show, learning a craft with you family, etc.)

This giveaway will be open until Friday the 24th of March, 8:00 pm AEST (Brisbane time), and the winner will be selected randomly from participants.

Good luck to all and thanks again so much for reading me!



Filed under Crochet, Embroidery, miscellaneous, soft toys

26 responses to “200 followers giveaway

  1. Congratulations!!! Those are some sweet prizes! My favorite crochet project was the amigurumi Sensai Charlie doll I made that looked exactly like my husband’s Jiu Jitsu instructor. Everyone went crazy over that doll and it was so much fun to make!! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh wow! Congratulations! Well, my favourite crochet project definitely was my sisters blanket I made last year. I designed it myself and made it up to give to her as a token of my love and hoped that she would use it in times of stress as a great big ol ‘hug’ from me to her. We unfortunately live continents away from each other which makes things a whole lot worse in some way – especially when you’re close. My sister has had cancer 4 times and well, she has gone through many unspeakable complications from all the procedures and chemicals in her and my heart is broken for her. Making the blanket sure helped me focus on the things I love about her and helped me deal with the emotions I have about her situation. We both had a good ol cry together when I gave her the blanket when she came to visit me in June last year.

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  3. claire93

    congratulations on all the followers, and oooohh what lovely gifts you have in store for your giveaway!
    One crafting experience I can remember . . . years ago, my daughter, made me a quilted pouch for my e-Reader. She managed to keep it a secret throughout the making. I love how we share the same hobbies (cross stitch, sewing) and hope I’ll be able to get her enthusiastic about crochet next time we meet.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Claire 🙂 that’s really cool that she has the same hobbies, that’s something I will definitely be looking forward when I have kids 🙂 I hope that she gives crochet a go, it’s just so much fun!


  4. Valerie

    Congrats on 200 followers! And thanks for hosting this giveaway. ^_^
    I have always love crafting and creating! One of my fondest memories is of going to a craft fair with my grandma and seeing all the things she had made – I was so proud of her and it inspired my lifelong love of making things with my own hands. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Valerie 🙂 I definitely understand that, my nana also inspired my love for craft. Her house is like a museum with huuuuge tapestries that she made herself. I can’t even imagine how much time went into them!


  5. So fun! I love that yarn, gorgeous! One of my fondest memories is the first time I finished an afghan all by myself. Looking at it now, I really did a horrible job on it! But I was so proud of it and it started me on this lifelong quest for the next project to finish!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I knew people would love the yarn, it’s so pretty and also feels so soft! You just made me think about my first afghan as well, and I also did so bad on it but it really got me hooked 🙂


  6. Well done! I think my favourite project has to be my chevron blanket with wave stitch edging as it was so ridiculously girly!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Congratulations!! My aunt taught me to crochet when I was 13. I will always have fond memories of that summer I spent with her:)

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Congrats !
    My fav crafty experience hmmmm so many but I do love going to Kyle Lane Workshops , she died lots of upcycling

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Hi Emma! Congrats on the 200 followers! It’s much deserved because seeing your projects and posts make me smile :).
    I’d say my favorite crafting experience would be the cross-stitching and trap music night I had with a few buddies. Got to cross-stitch, have some wine and listen to trap (mostly hip-hop though!) music and be merry with great company :).

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Congratulations! 200 followers is fantastic!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I have many craft experiences that could be a favorite, I will have to share 2. They were both crochet amigurumi, and fun to do. The first being a raccoon I made fir my grandmother’s birthday. She loves them, and ran off so quick with it that I had to wait about a week before I could get a picture of it. She told me she is very impressed by how quick I have learned this craft, amd has started randomly buying me books.
    The second amigurumi was a set of turtles a total of 8. One large mama turtle and 7 baby turtles. The mama turtle had a rainbow shell, and each baby was one of the colors. They were a gift to my Son’s first grade teacher, who helped him break out of his shell, and how to handle his Bully. She was almost in tears when I gave them to her. I love hand made gifts, so being able to learn a new skill that lets me do that is awesome.
    Congrats on the followers!

    Liked by 1 person

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