WIP Wednesday – Gandalf’s pipe and madeleines

Happy Wednesday readers!

I have taken back to my LOTR crochet along now that my ripple blanket is almost done (2 rows left, yay!). I have made a start on Gandalf’s pipe, and here is what it looks like so far.


I’ve also been baking today, I made a fresh batch of madeleines using my nana’s recipe and they were delicious!

It was actually quite funny because I was using fresh eggs that a friend brought over and the madeleines turned out so bright compared to usual! I even though something was wrong before I realised what was happening 😂

If you are interested with the recipe, I’ll post it next week, just let me know in the comments 😊



Filed under CAL, Crochet, miscellaneous, WIP, Work in progress

6 responses to “WIP Wednesday – Gandalf’s pipe and madeleines

  1. So excited to see the finished piece! Looks great so far. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I have always wanted to make madeleines! I almost bought the pan a few times. I should take some of my yarn budget and get a madeleine pan because yours look delicious! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • You should! My nana sent those from France and they are great because they are silicone but still stiff enough so that the batter doesn’t go everywhere when you put them in the oven!

      Liked by 1 person

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