Tag Archives: diorama

December is here!

Hello beautiful people!

I can’t believe it is already December, where did time go?

I have a few WIPs to show you today and because this is a new month it is also time to review my goals list!

• Craft Christmas presents and cute decorations for our first Christmas in our house. So far, I have made 1 tree ornament and designed a snowflake pattern that you can use as christmas coasters or just hang in the tree. I’ve also almost finished all my presents for my family, and they will be posted by the end of the week with customised cards.

• Continue the Poké-alphabet updates on Friday. I have been falling behind a little bit with this one but I’m sure I can catch up once Christmas is over

• Post #WIPWednesdays on Wednesdays. Definitely been happening!


• Book hotels for Europe next year. Still not done, I should really take care of that this month

• Send invites and get a DJ for the wedding. The invites are ready to be sent by the end of the month, I’m still chasing up a few addresses. No idea for the DJ though, even if we have been thinking about songs 🙂

Find another class I like at my gym. Found it! I now go to BodyBalance, it’s a mix of yoga, pilates and tai chi, pretty cool.

• Run 1k under 6 min. Didn’t happen this month but I have made progresses, I’ve reduced my time to almost under 7 (7:08 to be exact, I started at 7:48).


• Finish writing my second paper for my PhD. Still waiting on some experiments, but I’ve been working on some figures and they look pretty good so far.

• Keep my LinkedIn and ResearchGate profiles up to date. Still going good for this month!

So you’ve seen one of my WIPs (the cross stitch Little Prince). My second one is a crochet diorama. Not sure I’ve mentioned this yet, but I’m a marine biologist, so I’m making an underwater scenery.

I found the lobster pattern here, but the lobster only had 8 legs in the pattern (6 legs plus claws) and I couldn’t deal with it (lobsters are decapods, which means they have 10 legs). So I just added 2 more legs to it! All the rest was done ‘freestyle’. I’ve been trying to experiment more without pattern lately and it’s been a good experience.

I’m hoping to add a few jellyfish and maybe some sea stars.

Christmas is almost there! yay!

Hope you all have a lovely month of December 😉




Filed under Crochet, Embroidery, miscellaneous, WIP, Work in progress