WIP Wednesday – Mercury socks

Happy Wednesday readers!

I hope you are having a good week so far, mine has been pretty busy after the break last week. I have been on a sock rampage, I have only started those Mercury socks on Sunday and look how much I’ve done already!


I have turned the heel already and have started knitting the foot. I really love how the yarn stripes, the colours are just so cheerful! The pattern I’m using is a free pattern on Ravelry from Kim Drotar and I like it a lot, especially how easy it is to remember. I’ve also been loving my new 9 inches (30 cm) circular needles, they are just so good for this type of socks and I feel like they’ve made it much faster.

I also have received my yarn order finally! yay! I got 4 colours and the yarn is from Scheepjes (it’s Catona which is mercerised cotton). I followed your advice and went to Wool Warehouse, and honestly it was a very good price, especially for shipping all the way to Australia.


Aren’t the colours pretty? I’ve already started the first row of the shawl I’m planning to make, I really hope that it works as I see it in my head but only time will tell!

That’s it for me, what are you bunch up to? I’d love to hear from you! And if you want a bit more updates, check my Instagram, I’ve been trying to post a bit more there, I’m @emmacraftsdesign if you’re interested 🙂



Filed under Knitting, WIP, Work in progress

16 responses to “WIP Wednesday – Mercury socks

  1. I love the colors you’ve chosen, for the socks and the shawl!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. claire93

    sock knitting amazes me – it looks so complicated, getting the shape right!
    as for your new cotton yarn – a lovely selection of colours! I also shop at Wool Warehouse for yarn and found their service ever so good. I would support French shops more, but they just can’t seem to compete price-Wise.

    Liked by 2 people

    • It’s actually not that hard once you’ve managed to get knitting in the round. That can be a bit tricky though but I started with oversized needles (I made thick slippers) and once I got the principle it was super enjoyable to make socks 🙂 It’s pretty sad that local shops can’t really compete with the big companies for prices. If I buy local now, I actually buy luxury yarn that would be expensive either way and try to get hand dyed or hand spun.


  3. You are going to have the prettiest sock collection in Australia!! I hope that you’re rolling up your pant legs to show them off!! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Emma, you are a wonder! The sock is BEAUTIFUL! I love watching all of your creativity blossom both here and on Instagram:)❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  5. When I see lovely socks being made I want to go and knit another pair. I’ve made three pairs so far and used the two at a time, toe up method each time which I really like but because I don’t knit socks that often I don’t retain the method in my brain and have to go back to the tutorials each time. There’s one for the method itself, one for the magic loop, one for somebody or other’s ‘surprisingly stretchy cast off’ etc. etc. I love using the type of yarn that gives a fair isle effect and I even have some still in the brown paper bag from the shop all ready to go. You’ve re-inspired me so once my crochet blanket is finished maybe I’ll cast on for another pair.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Those look very cozy and remind me of butterscotch!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. The yarn for your mercury socks is very nice, it’s always a good feeling once you’ve turned the heel!

    Liked by 1 person

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